Welcome to Shahpashmina
The Pashmina crafts came into the valley through the sources of great saint Mir syed Ali hamdani( rehmatullahiallah)
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The Pashmina crafts came into the valley through the sources of great saint Mir syed Ali hamdani( rehmatullahiallah) ,who visited Kashmir with his 700 craftsmen from Persia .
Frankly speaking this crafts comes into our family from our fore fathers and exact date of establishment is not surety but we heard and our forefathers heard the same stories that it comes into our family from our ancestors which goes way beyond 600 years.
So we are related to this craft from the very beginning and this also is our recognition in the field of Pashmina manufacturing and trading.
We give the our best and our best quality. Pashmina is a wool which is derived from Persian means made from wool / Kashmiri gold / warmth...
Pashmina : Pashmina is a wool which is derived from Persian means made from wool / Kashmiri gold / warmth...
The wool comes from the goat ( local name changthangi) which is very soft in nature and the sheep is mostly found in high altitudes of himalyas ( changthang plateau in ladakh region / part of Kashmir).
It has Been written in the history books that when he reach ladakh he saw the goats ( Pashmina goat) and he found that themselves goats produce soft wools, he took some wool and make socks and gave the same socks to the king of that time ( sultan kuttubidin).
Pashmina recognition and fibre structure : Pashmina is very warm and very soft in touch and it gets better and better after its usage unlike the fake ones which gets faded, shrinked, gets hard by washing It's fibre is finner and thinner ( 12-15 microns) Which can be lab tested easily nowDays